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Page history last edited by RealEstateCafe 16 years, 1 month ago



Presidential debate question about emergency plan for orphans


Pastor Rick Warren "...there are 148 million orphans worldwide, would you commit to plan for them, as Bush did for AIDS?


YouTube plugin error


Follow:  http://twitter.com/realestatecafe


Homebuyers and sellers, as well as anyone in the real estate industry, can use this wiki to brainstorm about real estate fund raising strategies for AIDS orphans.  Here's one idea starter:  A PledgeBank for local communities to raise funds, and potentially challenge other cities to friendly fund raising competitions.  We've also developed a twin form students and alumni groups can use to challenge their rivals to annual fund raising competitons, see blog posts re:  Million $ March and download  DRAFT alumni pledge form:



Add you own ideas below, on ChangeAgents, or via Twitter during our World AIDS Day TwitterVigil.


Conversation starter:


Does it make sense to create a badge for this Pledge campaign so home buyers and sellers can add the badge to their social networking profiles on Facebook, LinkedIn, etc?  Visit these links for more information on the proposed ASAP demonstration project and real estate philanthropy in general.



ASAP Pledge Challenge


Home buyers & sellers:  Interested in saving money & saving lives? 

Sign the ASAP Pledge!


ASAP:  AIDS Shelter Alliance Partners

An experimental real estate fund raising demonstration project for AIDS orphans


Please invite anyone you know buying or selling a home to sign the ASAP Pledge Challenge


The internet and new business models will empower real estate consumers to save an estimated $30 billion dollars annually (or ten times what the US currently contributes to the Global AIDS fund).  Inspired by that knowledge, I pledge to donate a portion of my savings or profit from any real estate transaction in the next five years to provide medicine and / or shelter for AIDS orphans.  Accordingly, if...


STEP 1Check one or both from the list below


_____  10 other homebuyers and sellers in Cambridge, are willing to participate in $10,000 ASAP Pledge Challenge, or


_____  100 other homebuyers and sellers in Cambridge, are willing to participate in $100,000 ASAP Pledge Challenge , or


_____  1,000 other homebuyers and sellers in Greater Boston, are willing to participate in $1 million ASAP Pledge Challenge,


then, I _________________________ (print name), pledge to:


STEP 2Check one or both from the list below


_____  Donate at least $1,000 from the proceeds or savings from any real estate transaction over the next five years to the AIDS related initiative(s) selected below, and / or


_____  Require the real estate agency that I work with to donate at least $1,000 from their fee or commission to the AIDS related initiative(s) selected below:


STEP 3Check one or more of the AIDS related initiatives below or insert your own charity


_____  Partners in Health (Paul Farmer’s work)


_____  Harvard University Program on AIDS / Programs in Africa


_____  Harvard / Habitat for Humanity International demonstration project to provide medicine & housing to AIDS orphans near Durban, South Africa


_____  Other:  Specify your own non-profit AIDS-related initiative

(partial list of AIDS initiatives in Cambridge by faith community is online at:  TBD

Example:  St. Mary’s sponsoring http://dream.santegidio.com/homep.asp?Curlang=EN


I understand that a list of real estate agents and companies participating in ASAP will be available online, or through referrals from participating companies.  (If the real estate agency I work with is not participating in ASAP, I understand that an addendum may be added to my listing or buyer agency contract requiring the agent to make a donation according to my specifications.)


You may use my name on PledgeBank.com and current address below on the ASAP Pledge Map to help reach the goal of at least 100 participants by October 20, 2006, the date Paul Farmer and Author Tracy Kidder will be speaking at Harvard about Mountains Beyond Mountains.











Zip code


If you’re not familiar with PledgeBank here’s an example of how it is being used to recruit 100,000 participants for another worthy cause:



Please add the name and addresses of at least two people you know who may be interested in buying or selling a home during the next five years so we can help them saving money & savings lives, too.


















The location of others who have signed the ASAP Pledge is searchable online by address, neighborhood, or faith community, see:



Can't wait till we have a PledgeMap that looks as impressive as this case study!


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