
Experimental Calendar

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 11 months ago

Have it your way Special:  Request an educational seminar activity, download or analysis of MLS data


Register for Real Estate Cafe events listed in the calendar below, add other educational events for real estate consumers (homebuyers, sellers, owners, investors, or other groups. 


Your can also use this wiki to propose educational events (or other events) YOU would like to lead, or request / suggest events you would like others to host for real estate consumers in Greater Boston or beyond.


If you would like to propose a meeting offline, it would be helpful (but NOT required) if you suggest a time, place, and of course, a topic!.  If you would like to propose a topic for The Real Estate Cafe's talk show online, it would be helpful (but NOT required) if you let us know which night and what time works best for you. 


We are actively seeking topics, guests (yes, you can nominate yourself), and co-hosts for our new Real Estate Cafe talk show, hosted on!  If you click on the Flashback links on the interactive calendar below, you will see the kind of events we hosted at The (original walk-in) Real Estate Cafe in April 1996.



Click here to view your 30 Boxes calendar

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