Facebook for Fun and Profit

Facebook is a giant cocktail party!


1.  Customize your news feed!


Mastermind list


People to meet list


Get status update on those people alone


Prospect list


Subscribed to 50 Facebook pages


2.  Import your other social networking accounts


Automates other accounts


3.  Status updates


Be conversation and multimedia




Lot of people see RE people as sales people, want to break down that barrier


4.  Ricardo Bueno, RETomato


Solve don't sell



Craig Donato:  Oodle


Facebook is much more than cocktail party, now Social DISCOVERY


Using Facebook Marketplace:  Housing


About 1/3rd of


Surprisingly, a LOT of people use Facebook to publicize what they are "Looking for..."


Posting in marketplace is presently FREE


Postings are shared in newsfeed, too


Go to 10-15 million people


Fueling conversations


Two ways people can talk about listings


As people look at your listing, not only is that adding value to YOUR listings, but content is being shared across Facebook


Viral marketing in 30 minutes, Friends of Friends, FoF Marketing Strategy


If someone clicks on your photo, it goes to your profile


Can create a My Listings on MarketPlace


If really bullish on marketing on Facebook, can buy Facebook ads


Facebook is not just a cocktail party, it is social media on steriods



Q&A section


What is sexy on Facebook?


Building relationships, more important than anything self-promotional


Goal:  80% of content shared should be from other people?


Publishing listings, versus posting, "I have a friend looking for an apartment in .... neighborhood"


Personal pages versus professional pages


Send link to craig@oodle.com to move


Very easy to get someone kicked off Facebook?


Facebook doesn't want people to have two personas online


RECafe Action item:  Begin to transition business content off original Facebook page to Facebook Pages


Q:  What is the difference between Fan Pages and Business Pages on Facebook?


What's the best way to transition friends to Facebook Fan page?  Ricardo says to create an email and send to every new Facebook friend request 


41% of users on Facebook spend at least 2.1 hours per day


Should I create my content inside Facebook, where millions of people are already spending huge amounts of time, and try to get Facebook users to leave Facebook to visit your block


Early research suggests that Facebook users are not likely to leave Facebook


Easy way to start conversation is to begin conversation with another real estate agent in your network


People who are looking for people to list houses, want to see that RE agents know how to use social media



Follow-up resources


Craig Donato




Craig blogs at:









100 Fold Return from ConnectSF 2009