
Idea Bar

Page history last edited by RealEstateCafe 13 years, 12 months ago

Welcome to The Real Estate Cafe's "Idea Bar"


A place where you can see what we've got cooking, and join a discussion of new business ideas to help real estate consumers -- both buyers and sellers -- save money.  This is also where we invite readers to "taste test" some of our new marketing recipes.


IDEA de JOUR (not to be confused with



02/22/11:  Failure de Jour:  Four Course Brainstorm re "Fail(u)RE" (by invitation)



09/22/08:  Time to bring back depression era Dance Marathons?


Google keyword search:  Dance Marathons depression era




12/21/07:  Host series of great real estate debates in 2008


Use the debut of The Great Debaters on Christmas to launch a series of real estate debates likely to unfold during 2008.  Invite RECALL (Real Estate Consumer Alliance) opinion leaders to use, or another interactive venue so users to argue for and against positions. Significantly, some of the movie is filmed at Harvard's Saunders Theater. 


This experimental Essembly site was created two years ago, but we've never really tested it's potential.  Looks like Essembly hasn't been too active lately.  Any suggestions for other Web 2.0 debating web sites? 




Brainstorming about user generated content / video contest:


Met today with Linda Guttman of Best Friends Cocoa.  Talked about driving our ice cream truck (a.k.a. Valentine Van) up and down Mass. Ave. between Arlington and Back Bay, or the South End and Lexington, selling or giving away her cocoa.  Eager to get the truck on the road for Valentine's Day so we can ask local residents of squares around greater Boston -- Harvard Square, Central Square, Kendall Square, Davis Square, Inman Square, etc. -- what they LOVE about their neighborhoods.  Surprised to learn that the phrase "Romancing the Square" has been used online in reference to Pioneer Square in Seattle, Washington.  Maybe residents of Boston can invite residents of Seattle to participate in a virtual love fest, both describing or mapping what they love about their cities.  


Why not let other communities participate in, too?  Maybe we can collaborate with other mapping sites doing Valentine's promotions to create a "folksonomy" of tags or things people love about their neighborhoods and communities, as discussed in this blog post on





Ice cream truck turned mobile mapping / podcasting studio to turn any open house into a block party


Mega-trends pushing real estate commission to a tipping point



Use All Saints Day, November 1, 2007 to begin brainstorming about reinventing practice of burying St. Joseph statues upside down to help sell homes



Brainstorming about user generated content / video contest:

Haunted by the Housing Market


The Real Estate Cafe has maintained an excel spreadsheet comparing housing market conditions from 2000 to 2007.  The original version was prepared for Halloween 2002, and resulted in a slideshow called, "Haunted by the Housing Market." 


As Halloween approaches this year, and NPR reported yesterday that Wall Street was "spooked by a sharp drop in housing prices," we are thinking about sharing the spreadsheet and inviting others to update the "Haunted by the Housing Market" slideshow. 


Better yet, what would it take to create a contest with different categories for user-generated content, like "Funniest Housing Bubble Video," "Best slideshow attached to an offer" (samples available), etc.?  We're open to putting our content on the web so others can "mash-up" images, statistics, quotes (both audio and text), etc.


Any good models (eg. Heinz ketchup's " and potential sponsors out there?


Cross-post:  "Haunted by the Housing Market" originally mentioned as comment in this blog post: 

Wait 2.0: Negative cycle creating marginal or mega-savings for patient homebuyers?


Recently registered, but yet to be released domain name:


We've just finished a blog post about extending our, particularly our Boston Bubble map, to track credit crunch casualties.  We'd love to map case studies in four broad categories:


  • Properties "back on market" (both MLS listings and "for sale by owner")
  • Buyers whose loan applications are refused
  • Prices that are renegotiated after properties fail to appraise
  • Canceled transactions because would-be buyers cannot sell their existing home


What else should we be watching / mapping?  Comments are welcome here or on our blog post:


Mapping credit crunch casualties in Boston & beyond


Recently registered, but yet to be released domain name:


We registered this domain sometime ago, one of more than 60 we own related to real estate business ideas, and decided to discuss it openly after reading a recent article in the Boston Globe.  For more information, see our blog post:  Real Estate Rift or Rebate Envy?


We'll post some discussion questions and preliminary ideas about how we'd like to use, or should we say how we can help cure rebate envy soon.  Email us if you would like to participate in a private chat about rebate envy.





Contact The Real Estate Cafe for more information.

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