Partial timeline:
Need to add more bullet points to 2004 - 2009, then graph on or other Web 2.0 timeline. Photo above shows original Real Estate Cafe, 1995 - 2000. We reopened a second retail location in 2002 and have operated virtually since 2005.
Blog posts from current initiatives:
Million Dollar Markdowns
Sneak Preview: Creating tours of "Million Dollar Markdowns" on Google City Tours
Listing Agent Report Cards
Expired listings surge across Massachusetts as 2009 ends
Cohosted TweetUp: Is RE ripe for VRM? at NAR convention with Tara Hunt, @missrogue , one of the featured speakers at the conference
Honored to be on "100 Interesting, Influential & Impressive People in Real Estate on Twitter"
Hosted Round table debriefing of ConnectNY & REBarCampNY at Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School
LIVE BLOGGING #icsf (Inman Connect San Francisco 2008)
Correction appeared online in New York Times article entitled New Listings With Your Decaf?
Expanded Menu of Fees & Rebates, reintroduced flat fees and no retainer fee options
Clients, as a group, saved over $1 million during 12 month period ending 1/07 (sales price minus original asking price plus rebates)
Platial awarded "Best Real Estate Map"
Used interactive Valentine's Day theme (1/28/05) to soft launch Real Estate Cafe's blog with link to first video (2/05)
Wall Street Journal featured 100% buyer agency commission rebate in Cutting the Commission, (6/14/04)
Guest editorial on the "Best & Worst of 2002" from the real estate consumers' perspective was published in Inman News & Banker & Tradesman (2/03)
Best & Worst article linked to (2/03)
Backgrounded story on DeWolfe & Hunneman merger for Boston Globe (2/03)
Featured in articles in Inman News predicting second wave of innovation online in real estate (3/03)
Called the leading fee for service concept in the nation by Inman News less than a week later (3/03)
Backgrounded a story for Inman News on the proposed agency legislation in Massachusetts (4/03)
iPetition launched on line, and received press coverage in Inman News as well as Real Estate insider (5/03)
Radio interview about VOW on WBIX Radio (5/03)
Quoted prominently by Banker & Tradesman in article on VOWs (6/02 or 03, check date)
Sought out by, investment firm which has invested in Help-U-Sell, and
Acted as consultant to the United Nations, UN-Habitat, regarding use of real estate related revenues to provide shelter subsidies for AIDS orphans
Introduced UN-Habitat to approximately 50 real estate industry leaders, including new best of breed money saving business models
Secured speaking opportunity for UN-Habitat Executive Director at Real Estate Connect, 2002 and helped write speech (link to Inman Article)
Quoted in several articles in the Wall Street Journal
Wrote guest editorials commenting on banks as brokers from the consumers perspective
Provided background information to NBC's Dateline
Acted as informal advisor for survey of 17,000 real estate consumers nationwide.
Featured in Real Estate Intelligence Report as innovative new business model for the next Millenium
Featured in article on fee for service in RealtyTimes
Featured in article on fee for service in St. Petersburgh
Quoted on the front page of the Wall Street Journal in lead story on IPO, and DOJ / FTC investigation (August 1999)
Approached by REALFACS to host a draft site exposing questionable business practices used by Homestore was later investigated by the Department of Justice, and pulled from NASDAQ after restated earnings caused its stock plunged from over $100 per share to under $1.
Served on NAR XML committee and asked, by Ralph Nader's staff, to prepare proposal to involve the Consumer's Project on Technology in watch dog role for the implementation of XML in real estate.
Cambridge City Council passed a consent order instructing the City's Community Development Department to consult with The Real Estate Cafe. This action resulted in a coverstory in the Cambridge TAB
Developed proposal for Gimme Shelter & Realtors for Refugee Relief following bombing in the Baltics (get correct name of countries involved.) Proposal was later considered by the National Association of Realtors
Launched "Roommate Rendezvous" and offered weekly from May to October, and bi-weekly in November and December, 1998
Developed "Buy 1, Build 1" proposal, submitted to Millard Fuller, the founder of Habitat for Humanity, and Microsoft to raise $1 billion annually through savings generated by online real estate transactions. Five years later, was hired by the Rockefeller Foundation and UN-Habitat to begin implementing a similar proposal to raise shelter subsidies for AIDS orphans. (Link to article from Inman News)
Spent 5 weeks in October and November preparing for presentation on Microsoft and the future of real estate online. (Link to file online, and download presentation to site.)
Developed proposal for an affordable housing website in Cambridge, MA using 100 recommendations from the National Homeownership Strategy
Spent approximately 10 weeks during the summer revising business plan based on NetGain conceptual model
Successfully organized consumer groups to defeat dual agency legislation in Massachusetts
Filed complaint to the Attorney General's office regarding DeWolfe New England's dual agency practices
Hosted Ralph Nader in a real estate roundtable entitled "Recreating the Real Estate Industry" which was covered live on (link to transcript)
Acted as buyer broker for first Habitat for Humanity-like project in Cambridge, MA, purchasing a single family house on Harvey Street for under $100,000
Testified in public hearings on affordable housing legislation in Massachusetts
Participated in committee sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
Developed and produced a wide range of educational programs and support groups for real estate consumers (Link to monthly calendar of events.)
9/05/95: Boston Globe story, Buying A La Carte Bill Wendel's latest venture, The Real Estate Cafe, aims to be the buyer's 'guardian angel' (link to archived story)
Served as the lead consultant for the Housing Opportunity Hotline ('93-'94)
Hosted the "Consumer Revolution in Real Estate" featuring Ralph Nader & Steve Brobeck, executive director of the Consumer Federation of America plus 30 other panelists (April 2-3, 1993)
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