Scoble on Mobile

Scoble on Mobile


Robert Scoble


Keynote began 30 minutes ago when Robert sent Brad Inman a text message on


In the middle of the 3rd big information movements


1st wave: Google search

Post your content, demonstrate your expertise

"If you don't have a blog, you're missing out." Playing catch-up


2nd wave: 

Ask friends what they think



3rd wave:  FourSquare

Mobile + Social + Search = build something else


Also using an app called Trapstr (shows you were the cops are)


Also using Google Maps to see the traffic


Jobs are changing because of SmartPhones

Hire someone on ODesk, watch as they work on your mobile form




Events / culture

Your friends and what they are going to!!! (wrong link?) - check out the culture of neighborhoods - great for real estate!

See hiking trails, parks


Use Google Earth to check out neighborhood based on what it looks like on Google Earth


Use GoWalla

Take photos of food, restaurant, etc.

Let others see



Put memories about a location online, build a community of memories




Travel / airports



App to find Taxi

App to find a bathroom


Celebrities / cyber celebrities using Foursquare?


Survey of new apps without linking to real estate use cases?

Hmm, guess that's our job


SmartPhone explosive growth stressing ATT capacity


Missed opportunity to ask Robert Scoble what he thinks of the future of group buying power sites, and location-based ads


@Scobleizer Missed opportunity to ask Robert Scoble what he thinks of future of group buying power sites, and location-based ads in RE #icsf



Next speaker:  Media Upheavel