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Doc Searls intro to VRM CRM

Page history last edited by RealEstateCafe 14 years, 1 month ago

LIVE WIKI notes (from a real estate perspective)

Doc Searls intro comments / slide presentation at VRM+CRM 2010

Day One 8/26/10:  9:30am kick-off


Watch for "official notes" & slides later on event wiki (see agenda)


There's still this notion that the best customer is a captured one


Thus we tend to think of a free market as "your choice of captor."


Every capture is also a silo for data


Free market also becomes your choice of data captor


Things we call "social" systems are also silos as well


Unleashing the potential of behavioral disorders (see humorous slide below)



Broken out of silos before, examples, Wang, IBM, Digital, 3Com


How do we prove that a FREE customer is more valuable than a captive one? 

Try VRM:  Vendor Relationship Management

What happens when FREE customer represent threats


VRM is the reciprocal to CRM

With VRM, the individual is the point of integration of your data


We will reform retail by giving customers their own terms of engagement


A new service category will appear

Customer: 1st party

Customer driven: 4th party

Vendor driven: 3rd party


Attraction will drive business


The Intention Economy will get real

It will be based on what customers actually want.

People "ready to buy" vs future intent of buy / sell in real estate (eg. aging parents)


At it's base, Adrianna Lucas, in UK, hosts VRM Hub

The Mine! Project

Open source project



Keith Hopper, NPR

Model for one of the ideas on http://bit.ly/reVRM-Minifesto

10.  Buyers will be able to manage and release their listing clickstreams so sellers, including distressed sellers, auctioneers, and leanders or government agencies with foreclosures, can invite them to bid on properties.  (See comments received / Discuss)



Adam Marcus on Emancy


Incentivizing Vendor-Customer Relationship Management


Case study:  MIT Open Courseware



Follow live stream from VRM+CRM 2010 at


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