
Awesome Personal RFPs

Page history last edited by RealEstateCafe 14 years, 5 months ago

How to architect the most awesome Personal RFPs in the world?

Tara Hunt @missrogue Jerome, Cassandra


Much talk about cookie driven data extraction from ordinary use of sites

WSJ article created lots of buzz last week, find link


RFP = Request For Proposal

Personal RFI = Request for Information


1.  Personal RFPs indicate a strong intent to buy - lower the cost of finding customers allow vendors to pass on savings to consumers

2.  Clean data, accurate, deep and up to date

3.  100% opt-in, trust between buyers & sellers

4.  Ability to understand the analysis

5.  No data silos and secrecy like experience


Can look at past purchases by store

Add any and all retailer they can find


Allow your customer to export purchase data


Much easier to take an order confirmation, augment with rich data


Data portability policy

Allow users to export in CSV, XML,

Allow users to export to their desktop, reuse in the public


Aiming to be "a container" not THE container for data


Launching at end of September

Real VRM app!

Not workable on this end yet, but workable on this end?


Personal RFP


In the case of shopping, what would be the customer experience?

What do you want to impact positively at both ends of the experience?

Low barrier to entry for vendors


Joe wrote a paper

One of the things you need to be careful about when issuing a Personal RFP need to think through issues, eg. privacy

Privacy layers:  Issue Personal RFPs to different kinds of home sellers

Represented by listing agents

Actively selling "for sale by owner", pre-foreclosure loan officers


Doc:  We're just at the beginning of building out a marketplace for Personal RFPs


Reputation is just another signal

Some sort of recognition that this is another qualified buyer

eg. pre-approved financing


Will there be a market for people who can manage your financial life?

Concierge services?


Leaving 3rd bucket open

Jerome's wife, Kim, runs an affiliate blog site that compensates her for purchases


In order to publish a personal RFP, you need to know what you want?  In #realestate, will RFPs for properties be separate for RFPs for professional services / advice?


RealEstateCafe Do U need to know what you want to publish personal RFP?  In #realestate, home search criteria are likely to evolve #reVRM #VRM #vrmcrm2010



1.  Data is currency + gives power to the bearers

2.  This currency is best off democratized


Dramatic shift for vendors as well?

If I've got a deal for 5,000 requests, how do I do that? proved you don't need to automate price offers


Wrap-up:  Simon described an example of shopping using a personal RFP on

Conversations about how that conversation will take place.  People browser not good leads.


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