Rebecca Chandler, BrokerSherpa
Consider your goals
Sites & plan
Time saving tools
What should you do?
ROE: Effort
Time is money!
How social media controls everything?
Develop your own plan
1. Facebook profile
Post, comment, reply daily
2. Facebook business page
Post, comment, reply daily
3. Twitter
Tweet from phone
Use cross posting opportunities
4. Blog
Twice weekly, comment, link to others
5. RSS Feeds
Easy to get into analysis paralysis, identify trends, collect content
6. Yelp:
Review as needed and network
7. Your site
Measure and maintain
8. YouTube
As appropriate, new listings, FAQs
9. Email
Google alerts, drip campaigns
Link Twitter to Facebook, LinkedIn, Blog
Social dashboard
Email google alerts
Google analytics
RSS Feeds
In Between Social Media Strategy: Lead generation time, work
Integrate all of your online sites!
Post once, goes everywhere
Friend me. Fan me. Follow me.
Link from your blog to Facebook, Twitter
News feeds from Facebook
Direct messages on Twitter
Mentioned me on Twitter
Also has stats: how many people clicked on particular stats
Google analytics
Direct sites
Referring sites
Other sites linking to me
Search engines
Am I utilizing the correct keywords?
How many visits from keywords
Best tip?
Offer value!
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